Get in touch!

      I’m tickled pink that you’re interested in having me document your wedding!
      Hit me up with a little more info and I will send you my pricing and booking guides!
      Reach out through the form below or by all means, shoot an e-mail to and I will be in touch.

        Email address*

        Full name*

        Your preferred pronoun:

        Your partner's full name?

        Your partner's pronoun:

        Your phone number*

        Wedding date*


        What type of project are you hosting?

        Estimated guest count

        Estimated budget

        What is your favorite thing about your fiancé?

        How set are you on booking Our Ampersand Photo? *
        I've been waiting to get engaged just so you could take my photos.My heart is set, I just need the booking info!I love your work but there are a few things up in the air!I'm just price shopping right now.I don't even know why I am emailing you.

        How did you hear about me? Let me know so I can thank them! *

        Tell me more...

        Have you read my about page? (Please do not submit this form until you have.)

        Are you human? Prove it by typing the following code in the field below.
